Hello Taylor,Since you seem to have very definite opinions on...

  1. 22,375 Posts.
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    Hello Taylor,

    Since you seem to have very definite opinions on who we should not let into Australia, perhaps you could do all us
    all a favour and let us know:-

    (a)What is the UN charter on refugees?
    (b)What is Australia's committment, if any, to that charter?
    (3) What is the definition of a refugee as per this UN
    (4) What is neccessary and sufficient for Australia
    under this charter to qualify who is a refugee and who
    is not?
    Sometimes beliefs and attidudes are simply not enough; sometimes, Taylor, we have to visit the local library and
    research our own history. I know it is difficult but who will do it if we dont do it ourselves? DIY is a great Aussie tradition you know!

    Australia has all kinds of international committments to observe on behalf of us all and not just on behalf of a vocal and sometimes marginally literate minority.

    Australians are proud of our membership of the UN since its inception post WW2 and should the terms and conditions of that membership need amendment, then in the interests of democracy, if not decency, it ought to be done on our behalf by our elected government.

    The illegal arrival potential rufugees has been a problem for Australia throughout its history whether they be from
    Europe or Asia or elsewhere. In fact our first fleet could have been considered boat people arriving here without the expressed permission of the locals.

    It is very important if Australia wants to position to itself amongst the countries of the world as a fair, egalitarian and humane society with a legitimate rule of law, then we should allow time and opportunity for our legal system to reasonably address this problem rather than shooting from the hip or mouth without the whole facts and nothing but the facts. And this takes time and money. We're not a cheap democracy you know!

    Moorooka Mick
    Proud to be Australian.
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