I don't know much about the St John's policy but I assume it's...

  1. 479 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    I don't know much about the St John's policy but I assume it's similar to the foundation of the Red Cross to assist people regardless of background, race, creed or sex.

    I agree that we should be more aware of "cultural relativism" and that we should be more picky in who we let into the country, based on their cultural compatability...but refugees do not form the basis of an immigration policy. Proper refugees are not migrants...they are refugees. They are protected and given shelter until such times as they can return to their country of origin. The failure of successive governments to realise this, is part of the wider issue. If it was my turn to hold the reins on immigration policy, I'd be turning every fit Afghan male back with a ticket to basic training in his own country to defend it, instead of bleeding the West of it's own soldiers.

    The St John's woman's attitude, is contrary to her employer's basic principles and hence she should be dismissed or at the very least suspended. The Hippocratic oath, another basis for most medical organisations is clear. You do not withold treatment of anyone, for any reason, your own attitudes should be secondary to those principals. I for one would not withold first aid on an injured person for any reason, and I am not without my own long held cultural prejudices.
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