ashen faced abbott outed

  1. 47,953 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    I noticed that towards the end of the Rooty Hills debate between Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott that Abbott had become ashen-faced and looked very tense. Now I know why!

    The points below explain just why some of Abbott's cockiness ebbed away from him later in the debate, why he all but cut Eric Abetz adrift and why he even back-tracked on Medicare locals.

    1. Some of the questions raised at Rooty Hill smashed holes in Abbott's pretentious façade and left him hopelessly exposed; he knew it and didn't have a clue as to how he could extricate himself from his self-made quagmire.

    2. The audience of 'undecided voters' scored the debate 45 Rudd, 38 Abbott while 19 still remained understandably non-plussed. Abbott knew he'd performed poorly at the venue of his choosing and with the rules and format he demanded - whipped by the nemesis he despises; he'd let the team down and failed to finish off Rudd.

    3. The latest costings and 'savings' submitted by Joe Hockey and Andrew Robb are full of black holes - the claims that retiring 12,000 public servants equates to $5.2b means the average value therein is $417,000 [now that is absolute
    hogwash Mr Abbott]. Abbott knew this could be his 'gotcha' moment.

    4. Even though Abbott promised to deliver all his policies and costings well before the election it is now just 9 days away and even his partial releases are in tatters - $10b up effluent creek and counting. What does he do now?

    5. Abbott knows that voters will be reminded that he deceived them at the 2010 Election - his past form will come back to haunt HIM!

    6. Abbott's abandonment of a target date for returning the budget to surplus is high risk and taken together with the above points exposes his fiscal management as fundamentally flawed. Abbott has NO answers and has shot off nearly all of his destructive bullets and he knows it.

    Abbott's Coalition is well ahead in the polls. But with these developments he is now paddling against the current of credibility. All he has to save him is the Murdoch media empire smokescreen and boy what a job they did in covering up outcomes from the Rooty Hills Debate:

    Attacking Therese Rein:

    Kevin [Mr Chatterbox] Rudd hogs microphone:
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