lappy the corrupt principal, brainwashing the innocent children...

  1. 1,130 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5
    lappy the corrupt principal, brainwashing the innocent children under his care.

    Now as you cannot substantiate the $84 billion figure I suggest you remove this from your propaganda as it would appear that you are no better than the 3 lying musketeers. making up shite to back up your wish for abbott to be as poor a fiscal manager as the alp have always been will not wash with anyone.

    The economy is in crisis fact, climate change is crap fact(are the water storages fuller then they were when all the ludicrous statements were being made?) lower interest rates are not always a good thing - step foot outside your front door and go ask a few retirees how they are managing with 3% TD rates....rates are low as the RBA try's stimulate the economy as it is stuffed!!

    I will believe any party that backs up their statements with positive actions....the coalition have done it since day dot and the alp have not!! the alp are all talk an dno action!!

    Thing is TA is playing rudd at his own game and you on the left don't like it one bit. now you tell me that rudd didn't play this game in 2007....shorten was on the radio this morning nearly crying about wanting to know costings....that bloke has no idea, like rudd, bowen, wong, lapdog!!

    The rants that you are going on with on this forum prove to many on here that you are just like rudd, shoot your mouth off without caring for the facts....dead set goose you are!!

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