MCO 0.00% 11.0¢ morning star gold n.l.

ASIC: reasonable member questions without charge, page-5

  1. 954 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 218
    There were a couple of these armchair miners at the time - Chief Joey was the foremost - who professed they knew all there is about mining. The reality is that they knew very little but had no compunction about hyping the stock to their own ends. Nick Garling and the team had a passion for the project and didn't deserve having the rug pulled out. The reality is that there is value within the basket of tenements and the infrastructure is in place. As with many of these small shows it's the group that comes in and picks up the pieces for a song after the promoters (and shareholders) have done the hard yards who will benefit. No credit can be given to the likes of the Chief et al. I seem to recall a journalist and his wife/family who invested a large part of their wealth in this project - no doubt spurred on by the rampers.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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