asic to punish bis shrapnel for unlic advice, page-22

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    amazing how the headlines last week about inner city Melb median to double in 10 years or so to 1 mill....but its almost there now at 815 k's...see post and link of mine at the we
    and today is the anniversary of the stockmarket crash of 1987...aka 19th Oct 87...
    every year it does a dive on the anniversary....
    I think there is plenty of time before going back into the stockmarket...I think its rather overpriced myself....we are not out of the woods yet..
    I will stay with the props as my main investment

    oh and you buy one extra property, wait for the big gains...sell it off and pay off any other loans as you get closer to retirement....

    I like the leverage on property, makes my money work harder and faster..not sitting in a bank

    I notice with all the other posters who do not like property...they rarely if ever mention the rent they are paying, they talk as if they live rent free, as the other side of the to speak in a house has a cost to some one...compared to living under a tree is a no cost solution
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