On June 8, 1967, the USS Liberty was attacked by Israeli...

  1. 3,191 Posts.
    On June 8, 1967, the USS Liberty was attacked by Israeli aircraft and gunboats - a blatant act of war. 34 sailors were killed, 172 wounded, and the vessel nearly sunk. Jets launched by Sixth Fleet carrier to help this practically unarmed ship were called back by the White House.

    The Liberty survived, no thanks to anybody but the men on-board.

    Does this have the makings of a blockbuster movie, or what? Action, explosions, bullets, blood, tension, heroism, and intrigue, such as intentionally denying the Liberty a destroyer escort so it could be sunk with no survivors, with Egypt subsequently blamed for the deed. Mystery? You bet: why exactly were those American jets called back?

    This need not be a big-budget production either. There's plenty of merchant ships around that would look similar to the Liberty with a coat of Navy grey. As for aircraft, Mystere fighters might still be found in a few French-speaking North African countries.

    Casting could be a problem. What actor would dare to play Capt. McConagle, 42 at the time? True, he saved his ship, for which he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. The problem is, receiving that award usually means exceptional bravery in the face of an enemy - but Israel is our friend. This just may be the reason Johnson gave Capt. McConagle his medal out back in the Rose Garden, where as few people as possible could notice. And who would dare play General Moshe Dayan, who many think ordered the attack? Let's be real: you just don't show Jewish people doing heinous things like what's involved here.

    Well, every movie has its little challenges, but once the concept starts rolling, Hollywood's VIP's will no doubt be really keen to produce and distribute it. After passing up a golden opportunity like The Passion, they wouldn't want to miss the boat again.

    From Liberty Forum
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