Ask Shorten about real Bias not perceived., page-7

  1. 46,408 Posts.
    310 , it was Bill Shorten who appointed him as Commissioner under the Gillard Government.

    Union members funds down the drain.

    http://www.copyright link/content/dam/images/g/g/t/x/k/m/image.related.afrArticleLead.620x350.ggup1d.png/1430812393917.jpg

    Almost $250,000 in union members' funds was spent on a legal battle that was dropped to clear the way for union leader Bernie Riordan to be appointed by Bill Shorten to the Fair Work Commission.
    Documents tendered to the Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption on Tuesday show the Victorian branch of the Electrical Trades Union spent $244,355 to fund Federal Court action by then secretary, Dean Mighell against Mr Riordan, then the union's NSW secretary, and two other NSW officials.
    Mr Mighell commenced proceedings in July 2011, seeking to have $2.337 million allegedly paid to the three men for sitting on various boards returned to the NSW branch of the union.
    Legal costs incurred by Mr Mighell, Mr Riordan and the two NSW officials, Neville Betts and Paul Sinclair, were met by union members.
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