Badfish.Are you really suggesting that the ABC is an arm of the...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7

    Are you really suggesting that the ABC is an arm of the Federal Government? And, in Victoria,the Herald-Sun and The Age.They have their political leanings but I have never ever heard that they are controlled by the State.Maybe I should ring Jon Faine next week and ask him that question.That should set the lights up on the ABC switchboard!

    There is no comparision between the freedom of expression we enjoy,somewhat dimmed, I admit, by the thrust of those who constantly push Political Correctness.As evidenced by the disgracefull treatment of Andrew Bolt by the PC Legal Police.

    You must be living in Cuckoo Land to compare our freedom of speech to the limitations imposed in Ecuador. Mind you,if the ALP and the PC Police,aided and abetted by the Slimy Greens, have their way,those freedoms will surely be limited to such a degree that we wiil need to walk around with a tape across our collective facial orifices.
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