""Wake up and smell the roses Dave.Look what they do to anyone...

  1. 386 Posts.
    ""Wake up and smell the roses Dave.
    Look what they do to anyone speaking out like Bradley Manning, the recent CIA whistleblower getting 30mths jail...can't you see what's going on?""

    If by that you mean his paranoia that the US may seek to extradite him and try him like Manning, then I am comfortable with that too. Assange and Manning endangered the lives of civilian Afghan operatives by releasing uncensored diplomatic and military documents. It has been reported that the Taliban has used this information to track down civilians to mete out their version of justice. If that constitutes a crime under US law, so be it. I have no sympathy for this narcissist whatsoever.

    As for the rape charges that you choose to belittle:- from the BBC:


    "At an appeal hearing in November 2011, two judges at the High Court upheld the decision to extradite Mr Assange to Sweden over the sex crimes allegations.

    The following month he won the right to petition the Supreme Court directly in his fight against extradition after judges ruled that his case raised "a question of general public importance".

    In May 2012, the Supreme Court judges, in a majority decision, ruled against Mr Assange's lawyers and dismissed his challenge that the Swedish prosecutor who had asked for extradition was not a valid judicial authority.

    Mr Assange turned to Ecuador's president Rafael Correa for help, the two men having expressed similar views on freedom in the past. During an interview for Mr Assange's TV show on Russia Today, Mr Correa repeatedly praised Wikileaks and its work."

    I take the view that the English High Court and Supreme Courts have a fairly sound idea of what the law is, and don't go for the "broken condom" analogy.

    Assange looks more and more like a weasel trying to escape justice every day. A bit like David Hicks with a poorer complexion and a lack of Vitamin D.
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