So why are you happy with the millionaire? Are you personal friends with him? Did you also take advantage of the 18c shares and attached 4 free options that decimated the SP and turned the blue sky a greyish colour?
Because if you are, you are looking at this from an entirely different perspective and reality from the average shareholder like me who has been seriously reamed. If not, you should also be walking funny. I'm an Aussie who likes the principles of egalitarianism and fairness. I don't want to be part of your "in crowd" thanks.
You mention how the millions were voted by shareholders but, were they voted by shareholders who are repeatedly given special treatment? Does this mean that voting occurs in strict accordance with ASX rules?
I also read that diluted shareholding needs to be considered when reporting major shareholders that happening?
For those who are late to the party, the following is a graph showing the approximate dilution caused by the four attached free scam options (as well as the 45c "loyalty" options.
Dilution is worse now from memory, but someone who actually cares more than me might like to update the graphs.
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