Factorthis i have sent a number of letters off to both the asx...

  1. 174 Posts.
    Factorthis i have sent a number of letters off to both the asx and asic with identical responses...

    However it seems that the ASX have recently had a board meeting about some of your concerns and i have a transcript of the minutes below.

    ASX CEO to the Directors of the Board : Should we do more to investigate algorithmic trading on the ASX exchange?

    Directors : We make a million squillion dollars from this. How does it help our pay packets... oops I mean the company if we spend money investigating?

    ASX CEO : We should at least be seen as doing something to give the plebs... oops i mean traders and mums/dad investors the impression that we take their concerns seriously.
    What do we currently have in place that gives an appropriate response to their questions?

    Directors : We have a casual by the name of Tom who is responding to each and every letter.

    ASX CEO : Isnt Tom our floor cleaner?

    Directors : Yes. We did have a chimpanzee but the zoo had to take it back due to a Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) issues.

    ASX CEO : RSI? How did that happen?

    Directors : For some reason someone changed the settings on our Anti-Virus program which allowed anything with the email heading algorithmic, complaint or insider to filter through to our inbox.

    ASX CEO : That is disastrous. Has this been fixed?

    Directors : Yes. It was regarded as priority number 1 as soon as we found out about it.

    ASX CEO : Ok then. Now, back to Tom again. Does he have any qualifications in this area?

    Directors : No

    ASX CEO : Shouldnt we at least hire someone with qualifications?

    Director #1 : Against company policy.If we started hiring people with qualifications that would put me and half the board out of a job...

    ASX CEO : Exactly which department are you in charge of?

    Director #1 : Complaints about algorithmic trading

    ASX CEO : How did you manage to obtain your position without any qualifications?

    Director #1 : I worked extremly hard and was promoted.

    ASX CEO : What job did you hold prior to your position as a director?

    Director #1 : I was a floor cleaner...
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