atheism is a mind-altering drug that leads..., page-91

  1. 6,351 Posts.
    You can interpret "facts" through a belief or come to your belief by "facts" and facts.....

    It is possible to be indoctrinated in the cult of open-mindedness where tolerance is not always a virtue.

    Just as one type or religion has different sects with different angles, so called open minded people can be very set in their ways..... egos and beliefs get in the way in science a fair bit more with those who are prone to tunnel vision (me included), the behaviourists and the cognitivists, the humanists, the Freudians will have their opinions, beliefs, agendas, levels of understanding (Maslow? Kohlberg?).... etc, etc...

    I am no longer a member of the Flat Earth Society (lol), yet I do wonder what foundation we are building on, where we are going, how to get there, etc.... believe that there are fundamental truths, principles at work in life..... knowledge, understanding, choices.... different paths, common principles .... IMO it's up to each one individually to choose to be truthful or claim their own goodness without being truthful or claiming to know the whole story by reading a few lines of one chapter of one book on one continent through the eyes genetically, psychologically, socially, culturally, historically, religiously determined at one point in time from one angle in probably, as most, a limited three dimensional view...... if we are so dead set in believing the earth is 6,623.4 years old or the way includes raiment/wearing poker dotted pj's backwards, or eating caviar exclusively, or killing people for peaceful ends, etc.. etc... there is a chance we won't see the way clearly for us and we won't see the best picture painted for all..... we includes me.... I think there is a big best picture that could be painted for all..... I'm sure that's not everyone's view....

    follow the goard?, follow the thong?, follow your heart?, maybe the call is to purify our hearts desire, requiring us first to be be true to ourselves... the best and worst is in all of us IMO.... the desert can bloom or the desert will loom.....
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