that’s a reasonable question. And could be read this way....

  1. 17,275 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 325
    that’s a reasonable question. And could be read this way. However it is also possible he can’t tell the difference because his posts, when responding to people who disagree with him both state the right to have opposing views and yet use name calling and generalisation to respond. thus it could also be taken as a statement of possibility.

    In the end it is how we feel that tells us whether we find something abusive and that doesn’t matter. What creates robust and living relationships is the ability to empathise. To step into another’s shoes and to care about others

    there is one benefit from having explored the depths of another’s abuse and a bit of therapy. Nothing ever seems quite as bad again. So do I like what rostern says. No. Do I like him. I have no idea. As far as I know I haven’t met him

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