attn developers and renovators, page-30

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    a young friend has worked at a very popular cafe for years
    last year the older owners sold out to retire
    the new (old) boy arrived, no experience, but a 'know it all'
    he was all over the place, sacked staff left right and centre, then wondered why he was working such long hours, and losing customers
    his daughter arrived to help out, and he sacked more staff
    the daughter spent too much time smoking weird stuff, and not turning up for shifts
    turning point just before xmas, he had run out of money in just 12 months, was going to close it down
    I think he was also doing a lot of gambling, so there was no money left in the till, for change
    then a sudden change of mind, he should get it back on track, and sell the business to another sucker
    this young friend stuck through all of this, was the only one left with a job
    he sold the business after he produced a set of books to show it was profitable...
    the new owner closed it within a month
    the figures were fabricated...
    in the meantime, all the faithful customers, that had been there for years, tourists and loads of tradies for morning tea and lunch, had to find somewhere else...

    the cash businesses are the worst...its all a wink wink, and best of luck with those figures...
    professional operators will come in, they will turn it around, and will make a killing when they sell it off
    within a year or 18 months
    new suckers out there everyday
    lucky her dad fronted up the last day, to make sure she got her wages owing to her....but she doubts any superannuation was paid
    there is nothing new about this story, thats the name of the game with cash businesses
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