As was posted (see below) not long ago: Posters that are luckily...

  1. 56,598 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 265
    As was posted (see below) not long ago:

    Posters that are luckily enough to be on-line this evening have 15 minutes to change their images on this thread that are too large or they will be suspended until they change it after which they will need to contact admin (support) for re-instatement. Please use your common sense.

    Please remember:

    *Please don't use overly large signatures or include large images or any videos (links to videos are OK in posts, but don't embed them). Not everybody has as much bandwidth as you might and they don't need to wait all day to download your image, as amusing as it might be. Large signatures will be restricted to a scrolling display to prevent them monopolising people's screens in thread view. If you have images in your sig please keep the total under 30KB in size.

    *It's nice that you like that 1024x768 picture that you have on your desktop, but we don't want to see it every time you post a message. This is a probation offence.

    *Those who post photos that maybe described as pornographic, within the context of common sense, will have their posts moderated and risk temporary suspension.

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