Concerns over renewable energy clean-up bill turns some off wind...

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    Concerns over renewable energy clean-up bill turns some off wind turbines in rural communities

    Landholders can earn up to $750,000 per turbine over a 25-year life span, according to figures from the federal government's independent adviser, the Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner (AEIC).

    The commissioner says most planning permits state the project owner is responsible for decommissioning, but in the event of their default, "the liability may ultimately rest with the landholder".
    And while landholders can ask energy companies for a bank guarantee, trust fund or bond, it is currently not legally required in any state or territory.

    Fuelling concerns, a senior government official has said the clean-up could "come back to the state eventually".
    The AEIC estimates it could cost $600,000 to remove one turbine and restore the site.
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