Aussie companies should divest from Israel!, page-47

  1. 1,253 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    Australia is one of three or 4 countries completely dominated by Zionist politics.
    NZ still retains a tiny bit of freedom in that regard but not much. Canada , GB and of course the US have totally succumbed and are on a downhill slide along with Australia from which there is no stopping now.

    Few Aussies still have the ability to think differently than what the media tells them to , they are in lockstep with thinking that Jews are superior and that all Palestinians should be killed.

    HC itself shamelessly takes orders from the Zionist movement -- you can see how the Jewish trolls are immune from moderation and how they dictate who gets censored.

    Penny Wong just this morning was lamenting how divided Australians now are and singled out the Israeli war crimes in Gaza as the reason -- and she is correct.
    Israeli trolls are bent on promoting hatred and as a result , Australians are almost to the point of civil unrest , with no common ground left .
    After listening to the defense minister Marles, it is clear that Australia is going to follow Israel to the end no matter how blatant the war crimes become and how implicated we end up as being party to them .

    It is only a matter of time now as to when commissars start rounding up any Australian who has expressed dissent over our total support for Israel and it's criminal actions.
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