Won't stop raining over here in the West. The State's hay crop...

  1. 13,176 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 25
    Won't stop raining over here in the West. The State's hay crop has probably cumulatively already had around 30-50mm on top of it after it was dropped. Very little baled. More rain coming next couple of days. Sympathy to those in that game.

    In the crops, no barley staining evident yet but there is potential for Statewide downgrades. Should see the basis strengthen on malt barley again. Many of the early multigrade malt contracts could have feed barley put through to them.

    Wheat could be affected by black point in susceptible varieties but most of the State's wheat crop still has some green in it. Low protein will be the problem this year. Would imagine many will struggle to make APW. A good spread play would be to sell CBOT wheat and buy Minneapolis wheat. High protein wheat globally is once again going to be hard to find.

    Canola has been swathed and rains have the potential to induce some in swath rotting. Swaths are extremely heavy for WA.

    Plenty of pasture feed still. Perennial pastures going ballistic. Sheep are mud fat.

    Updates boys? Cheers and good luck for harvest.
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