Are all the central banks of the world owned by the same...

  1. 7,404 Posts.
    Are all the central banks of the world owned by the same altruistic banking families?
    Because if the asian countries are wanting to sell off the US dollar in favour of the euro or ultimatley a gold standard, then does it really matter a toss if they pull it off?
    We can see now, because of the destitute condition of the US, that the pressure of the ballance of power is changing dramatically and there is a greater tendancy for its transferal to europe or even china. The track through the equilibrium point could conceivably be quite swift.
    There is no money, only debt. We have all being fooled. And what do brutes do when they discover that the uncooperative debtor cant even pay back the principal amount?
    They take what ever they have then beat the crap out of them to teach them a lesson. (probably a small tecnicallity to overcome if the debtor has ICBM's, ready to go).
    But remember, Massada killed themselves rather than being overtaken by the enemy, so perhaps the US will nuke themselves?
    We are living in an interesting time in the history of the earth where the possibility of world domination is becomming conceiveably more realistic.

    In the interim there will be volitility.
    Is the west scared of being eaten by the morlocks after tampering with the time machine.

    Remember the golden rule, he who has the gold, rules.
    But wern't the pharaohs buried with ther gold?
    Heck, I think they even had golden sarcophaguses.

    I don't think aussie gold produes need to panic. After all gold is real, money is not. Even if the POG is been suppressed.

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