aussie pride - uggies & all

  1. 1,074 Posts.
    I've posted similarly on another thread but feel the need to open a new thread in order to discuss the issue further.
    I'm sick of the "Bogan" bashing going on in some threads.
    I've lived here all my life, consider myself to be a Bogan and proud of it and reckon its a great country we live in.
    Like most people I work hard, am proud of my working class background and love spending time with my family. There's nothing wrong with having a beer especially with mates and I love wearing my long uggies (even outside my house) and flannies.
    When theres disasters throughout the world Australia always helps. Australia has generally always welcomed migrants. We look after our neighbours. Economically and socially we are the envy of the world. Australia may have certain issues, but comparatively we have little to worry about.
    I'm sick of the British media attacking us over the royal prank. The British should look at their own media before even criticising ours. In Britain there's been phone hacking at dangerous levels all in their search for a good story.
    Don't get me wrong what happened in Britain in regards to the royal prank was tragic. My sympathies are with her family, but I can't just sit back and watch "Bogans" (which typifies many Aussies including me) being constantly put down.
    Its time more Aussies express their love of this country.
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