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    Do a search, there are numerous articles avail, for : Russell Cox

    After nearly three decades as a prisoner and a fugitive on the run, bank robber and prison escapee Russell Cox (aka Melvile Peter Schnitzerling) will be released from prison and paroled back to Queensland this week. The media and Police Forces in three States dubbed him ?Mad Dog? but he was neither mad or a ?dog? (prison jargon for an informer). Men who did hard time with him at Grafton, Katingal, Jika Jika and H Division called him ?The Fox?. It was a mark of respect for a man who still retained principles inside the world of maximum-security prisons: A dinosaur in today?s unprincipled world of criminality.

    My first recollection of ?The Fox? was at the Central Industrial Prison (CIP) at Long Bay State Penitentiary on Friday August 8, 1975 when I heard gunshots about 2.30pm. Gunshots are not a daily occurrence inside prison. When the tower screws started shooting onto the road outside the walls I knew there was an escape in progress.

    Three prisoners, Allan McDougall, Marko Motric and Russell ?The Fox? Cox, all serving time for armed robbery, had made a break from Long Bay?s Metropolitan Remand Prison. A 0.25 calibre Beretta had been smuggled into the jail and the trio had trailed a delivery truck into the caged section of the front gate area before using the pistol to overpower the prison guards on duty.
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