myakybe....the sharemarket, together with the bankers...have...

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    the sharemarket, together with the bankers...have changed the rules, in the past decade...and not one of the rules has been attacked, or changed, or correct the corruption...

    the lure of cheap, quick, liquid money...has brought with it....the guru's who will give you what you want....

    the Bernard Madoff's of this world....are many...and they know they have many willing followers.....

    the use of derivatives and cdo's, have changed the world....and it is these same transactions that are bringing down whole countries ....

    nothing much has changed since with MF Global....
    the latest player....
    so an ordinary bloke, sitting at his PC playing the up against these corporate crooks....
    no thanks....
    many thousands of people have lost their life savings....caught up in a huge variety of these scams, funds, investment options
    and many more are smart enuff to believe....just dont go there...
    the stockmarket is not a level playing field....
    its everyone choice to take a playing with fire, there is a chance of being burnt...
    I am suggesting there are plenty of conservaties out there...who will never go back....
    they have seen the changed rules....and they dont like them
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