Australia has some of the most affordable electricity in the world., page-2

  1. 89,137 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    many of these kinds of studies can be terribly misleading

    a lot of it depends on what one DOES with the power and the cost of it

    so, what is obviously missing off the chart is China - for obvious reasons

    but, China is hugely instructive in what the cost of power AND the way power is networked does for a nation -

    what China has done with power over the years - has driven the Chinese economy like a raging fire ------ and that has brought millions and millions of Chinese wealth that was unimaginable not all that long back

    power is not a simple thing to look at ------- and in the end -------

    like money ------------ it's what you do with it that matters

    imagine if the Chinese had a cut cut cut mentality with spending on power investment -
    and they did so saying that they wanted to 'cut costs' ---------

    and yet - this is what we do in many western nations - we head to elections with political parties who promise to cut cut cut spending
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