There is so much misinformation submitted by some perpetuating...

  1. 885 Posts.
    There is so much misinformation submitted by some perpetuating their agenda, that sometimes it feels like a waste of time responding to their comments and views.

    An observation that I would like to share with some is that this thread may typically be read by maybe 100 people most of whom have sold at the top of the market and have absolutely NO intention of buying real estate until prices correct substantially.
    In laymans terms, the smart money has left the building while the dumb money continues to hold and wait for a greater fool....

    No one here is expecting house prices to fall by 50% this year or next. However, markets can surprise when least expecting.

    The notion that one can STILL buy a house and watch it turn into a Gold Mine is now a just a memory. Fading fast and turning into a dream and perhaps a nightmare for many in the foreseeable future.
    History tells us that this is the way markets it stock markets or property markets.
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