"strong, inclusive society" "Ultimately business will best...

  1. 73 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 11
    "strong, inclusive society"

    "Ultimately business will best flourish if a decent, cohesive society is maintained"

    Disgusting rhetoric imo.

    The rich are rich because, in part, of their ability to minimise paying tax. This has always been the case. They adapt to new regulations. They're not just going to lie down and take it. They are smart, they will continue to avoid paying taxes.
    Increasing taxes will however, hurt the people that these lefty-socialist types want to help - the poor - by discouraging them to achieve financial prosperity and making the path harder. And even increasingly so, the middle class will lose out the most by having to foot the tax bill of the rich and the welfare drain of the poor.

    If these people want a "decent, cohesive society" how about stop importing large numbers of people that have values and norms that are in direct opposition with that of Australians. How about stop immigration to those that have absolutely no intention of becoming a contributing member of society and are a complete drain on our overly generous welfare system. Why let these people in to our great nation? I really dont understand. We can pick and choose who we want. Then we should pick and choose the best!  The best and brightest that fit in with our Western values and that can contribute and make our nation stronger and richer. Do not let those in that want to replicate the exact ways and culture that has destroyed the place that they are coming from - imagine coming from a Middle-Eastern or African nation that has been ravaged by the archaic values of Islam and then wanting to put in place and live in those exact same conditions in your new country?? What on earth?!

    The government should invest in education in low socioeconomic areas to try and break the cycle of welfare reliance. Try and give those people the tools to lift themselves out from the poor. The poor have to initiate change themselves. Further taxes that only harm the middle class is not going to help.
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