Australian 'saw Habib assaulted and kidnapped'By Marian...

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    Australian 'saw Habib assaulted and kidnapped'
    By Marian Wilkinson
    United States correspondent
    January 7, 2005
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    Mamdouh Habib

    Mamdouh Habib

    An Australian Government official in Pakistan witnessed the assault and kidnapping of Australian Mamdouh Habib to Egypt, where he was tortured, according to a document filed in a US court.

    Lawyers for Habib, who is held in Guantanamo Bay, filed the document based on his account of his treatment.

    It alleges Habib was "subjected to unspeakable brutality" during his six-month detention in Egypt, including receiving electric shocks while suspended from hooks on his cell wall.

    The document raises serious questions about denials by the secretary of the Attorney-General's Department, Robert Cornall. He told the Senate on May 24 last year that Australia had not been consulted about Habib's forced removal to Egypt and that Habib had "no signs of physical maltreatment" when Australian officials saw him in Pakistan.

    In the new document, Habib claims an Australian consular official was at his first interrogation by Americans in Pakistan. He says he was then taken to Islamabad, where he was tortured for a week before being taken to a Pakistan air base.

    There, when he resisted being kidnapped, several Americans forced him to the ground in handcuffs, placed a foot on his neck and photographed him. "Mr Habib saw both the American and Australian men who had been present at the interrogation," the document says. "Someone cut Mr Habib's clothes from his body . . . while another person took a video and a third person took photos. They then dressed Mr Habib in a blue tracksuit and transferred him to a plane."

    Habib, who holds dual Egyptian and Australian citizenship, told his lawyers that in Egypt he was forced to stand on a drum linked with a rod to an electric current. "When Mr Habib did not give the answers his interrogators wanted, they threw a switch and a jolt of electricity ran through the rod, electrifying the drum on which Mr Habib stood," according to the document.

    "The action of Mr Habib 'dancing' on the drum forced it to rotate, and his feet constantly slipped, leaving him suspended by only the hooks on the wall. This ingenious cruelty lasted until Habib finally fainted."

    The allegations are based on Habib's account given to his US lawyer, Joe Margulies, and his military review hearing at Guantanamo Bay.

    The document remained classified at the the US military's request until yesterday, when it was unsealed in the US District Court in Washington.

    Habib claims the US accusation that he is a terrorist is based on his confessions under torture. His lawyers claim the US sent him to Egypt "knowing and intending that he would be tortured".

    The claims implicate the Australian Government and its embassy in Pakistan in the forced rendering of an Australian citizen to a country that practises torture at the request of the US.

    Last May, under questioning by Labor senator Nick Bolkus, Mr Cornall, as secretary of the Attorney-General's office, was asked: "Did we know, for instance, that he (Habib) was being sent from Pakistan to Egypt. Were you consulted on that?"

    Mr Cornall replied: "No, I do not believe we were consulted."

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