Answer my question dopey you can try it by telling me...

  1. 88,082 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    Answer my question dopey

    you can try it by telling me ---------------

    Have you ever noticed how cool it is standing under a tree as opposed to standing on bitumen on a sunny day?

    where does your magic tree put the same heat that falls onto the road and the road releases?

    go on - tell us where and what your magic tree does with the heat --------

    does it eat it - then poo it out and transport the waste in little flying cars into outer space?

    I know the question is too hard for you when you grasp the idea of it --------- it's why you refused to answer it in the first place ------------- but, try

    tell us where the magic heat that the tree absorbs ends up
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