Australia MUST consider nuclear power., page-1165

  1. 35,843 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    Lol. Another lying nuclear shill making false claims.

    Complains about the rising cost of electricity and then recommends the use of nuclear power. The most expensive method of generating electricity by far.

    You will note that none of these nuclear shills have ever provided the numbers for nuclear power. Not one of them.

    He references the US as a nuclear power user. The US has had nuclear power stations since 1958 . 66 years.

    And yet, as of 2024, renewables in the US produce more electricity than nuclear power. Nuclear had a half century head start and has already been smashed by renewables. An industry that is just getting started.

    He also fails to mention that Australia has a significant advantage over the established nuclear weapon, oops l mean generation, countries . Australia has more renewable energy resources than almost any other country on the planet. We simply don't need expensive nuclear because we have much cheaper renewables.

    Apart from countries that need a nuclear industry to build weapons, countries such as Finland don't have the amounts of renewable resources that Australia has.

    The rest of the world is jealous of Australia. A very large geographic area. A relatively small population. More sun and wind than we could ever use.

    Sun and wind that will still be the same price in 100 years from now.

    The lack of numbers from the lying nuclear shills is their downfall. They can't produce a business case for nuclear power despite it being used around the world for nearly 70 years. There is a huge amount of data that proves that nuclear power is very very expensive. There is also now a huge amount of data that shows how cheap renewables are by comparison .

    The facts smash the gutless lying nuclear shills every time.
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