Australia needs a mature conversation on nuclear in 2024 and beyond, page-4

  1. 42,744 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642
    given that an election is coming and Dutton has pointedly put nuclear energy as his one and only policy, nuclear energy will soon become a major taking point.

    I've checked with a few younger people with broad differences in politics. all, even a greeny in know, agree that nuclear energy is a viable goal to achieve. but its going to take much longer than other countries as we have maintained the Howard moratorium very much as an article of fact. many minds yet to be changed.

    I hope the election brings a willingness by Labs to listen and take note of the discussion as if we are to go nuclear we need to make a start asap.

    me? I'm still on the fence with large scale nuke. the cost of commissioning and of production will be a drain on the taxpayer wallet.
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