they need to do something about it because the lack of...

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    they need to do something about it because the lack of governance is an absolute farce. Perhaps Morrison will go the way of Abbott, this Holgate Australia Post, Shipton and Crennan ASIC thing is appalling and as it happened on Morrison’s watch, I think Morrison’s popularity will plummet and he may have to resign.

    Australian Government has had an appalling trot, this Australia Post and ASIC appalling governance failings along with the Badgery’s Creek land deal are only made worse by Holgate, Shipton and Crennan, and only made better by Andrews and Palaszczuk’s deficiencies not to mention McGowan’s current problems with sex, sleaze and border wall/ GST debacles.

    Diabolical outcomes from the Australian Government, the immigration tap was turned off by COVID giving Morrison a lot of popularity only to be decimated by this Australia Post scandal and these ASIC scandals.

    There are apparently scandals to come for other regulators: ACCC, AUSTRAC and APRA. there is a NSW Government Owned Corporation, iCare scandal going.

    Australia seems to have completely lost the plot with Australia Post and ASIC to date. Morrison looks destined to suffer an enormous decline in popularity due to these scandals which may decimate his leadership and his Party IMHO.

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