Since Geoff Whitlam's policy of "buying back the farm" Australia...

  1. 22,263 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    Since Geoff Whitlam's policy of "buying back the farm" Australia has been asleep by not deriving enough revenue from its resources so that it could now have the lollies to defend itself. We have spent hundreds of Billions since WW2 backing Uncle Sam's wars overseas instead of developing our own defences.

    Instead of a defence force, we have overseas expeditionary forces at the beck & call of Uncle Sam.

    The Trump Presidency has opened our eyes about self sufficiency, Even te US close neighbours , Canada & Mexico, have been sent a message
    by Trump when he effectively tore up NAFTA and instituted his unapolegetic "America First Policy"; all in the interest of the US maintaining its global hegemony .

    Now we have to consider our "Australia First Policy" when we are loaded with debt & 80% of our resources are owned by foreigners and a Liberal
    Government that's Hell Bent in taxing its citizens rather than multinationals who couldn't care 2 bob for Australia's security.

    It seems a crying shame that 50% of our population have zero assets and 10% own 80% which begs the question:
    "would out dispossessed 50% be much worse off under a Chinese regime" Let's face ot there isn't much further to sink that zero assets
    in a Capitalist society!
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