ya think dear tis a strange thing that right wing people always...

  1. 86,404 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ya think dear

    tis a strange thing that right wing people always talk about globalist thinking

    yet, they are the ones who are bereft of it

    seemingly totally unaware that there's mostly more pressure on economies from world happenings than there is inside one's own country

    equally they are bereft of the fact that historical doings have far far more impact on their current cost of living than immediate happenings

    do you think that the biggest cost of living effect - rents ------ is something that's just popped up since Albo got in??????

    got news there - see below.

    Do you think that the gas prices etc and their flow on, have just happend because of Albo ------ or do you think the selling out of gas fields to foreign companies and the returns to Oz of almost zip and the lack of domestic supply and price caps from years back - might just have something to do with it?

    here we are dear ----------- way back before Albo - and THIS is providing your biggest inflationary pressure now ------------- is this difficult to understand??

    Date:15/05/18Time:09:28:30Post #:33094627

    hmmmm - I think we do have a crisis coming - a real crisis of massive social proportion - but, probably not the one we have been expecting.

    What I see is that if we keep up the immigration rates ----- then, along with the latest findings about dodgy bank practices - and the absolute clamping down on lending practices resulting from that - along with thing like the clampdown on interest only loans -

    what we will have is less people being able to get mortgages --

    which might result in some price correction -but, by far - by a country mile will have massive implications on the rental scene.

    What we will end up with from what I can see is massive rental demand - massive rental price rises and probably massive rises in homelessness

    How governments respond to that will be anyone's guess - given their ineptitude in the area of crystal ball gazing and putting in place mechanisms that can only be described as childish folly.''
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