If you are stupid enough to listen to ANY political party or...

  1. 88,380 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    If you are stupid enough to listen to ANY political party or politician promising during election campaigns and even remotely think that they might keep promises

    after being told to disbelieve anything said like that - for thousands of years - by very smart people - philosophers, writers, politicians themselves

    if you disregard thousands of years of advice and a lifetime of experience

    than all that tells us is about you ------------- nothing more

    all of that experience and reading from history - and STILL

    we see the number of morons on here who actually believe Dutton and his Dudd's Great BIG nuke idea

    don't wonder why the country is in trouble ---------- the evidence is staring you in the face -------------- blatant almost wilful stupidity
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