australia... we're nearly there...., page-58

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    re: hi debono Hi debono,

    thanks for the extensive info of your last couple of posts. Did you really type all that or were they a cut'n'paste ? You at least have reasons for your beliefs.
    I agree that the courts have chosen to interpret the law as allowing abortion on demand (without actually saying so) but this was not the original intent of the laws as is clear from a straight forward reading of it.
    The original intent was that the procedure be limited to those very few cases where there was an actual serious medical threat to the women (not just the threat of being inconvenienced by an "accidental" pregnancy) - hence my estimate of 1-2% (just a guess but with 100,000 per year that gives room for 2000 genuine medical emergencies).

    The idea that the majority favour abortion on demand is purely speculative. The fact that we only generally hear the strident voices of those in support doesn't mean that a majority agrees. And so what if they did? A majority doesn't affect what is right or wrong (Truth isn't a democracy) - here I accept that we must disagree because we are coming at this from opposing world views / perspectives (secular humanism [the champions of the God of Reason] vs theistic absolutism [aka fundamentalist selfrighteousic moralistic fanaticism]. I am not trying or hoping to convince you but just making my point. You are clearly very well informed. Not right, but well informed! Why is my view "imposing my values" and yours is not? From a utilitarian point of view of course the foetus comes a distant second, but I do think that its life is as valuable and deserving of protection as that of the mother (and of the father who luckily can just duck for cover and never has to make this choice).

    Just banning abortion doesn't solve things (it does recognise the child's rights - god forbid that anything should interfere with the women's rights) because it is just a symptom of the deeper malaise in society itself resulting from the secular humanism that pervades it.
    Why is it that when we hear of demands for "rights" we never hear about the "responsibilities" that go hand in hand. "Rights" without "responsibilities" = "I wants" (try telling that to your kids!!)

    Speaking of women's rights - shouldn't they be better educated on the risks of abortions rather than just be told of it countless economic and healthy and liberating advantages? Shouldn't they be better informed about the high rate of psychological injury? Shouldn't they be told of the significantly increased risk of breast cancer? Of course we don't believe these things to be really true but have you read the studies?
    I've left my references at home but I'd be happy to pass them on later. There has no adequate explanation for the rise and distribution (geographically and demographically) in breast cancer that better fits than the explosive rise in rates of abortion. The benchmark study that was supposed to reassure us and that is usually quoted is a farce of methodological nonsense.
    The Royal College of Obstets in the UK have acknowledged the possibility and advise that it be mentioned to women when they are being "counselled" prior to an abortion.
    The risks detected in the (far better designed) studies (done by pro-abortionists by the way) are scary and linked age of abortion and family history. For example, In a cohort of very young women (<18) with a strong family history the risk of cancer (at an early age too, ie under 45) was practically inevitable. Why don't we hear about this? Is it to protect the right of women not to hear stuff that might interfere with getting what they want?

    Anyway this is all so passe - lets move on to current stuff like euthanasia and infanticide - surely it is clear that these too are overall good things for society - giving more "choice" - then the men can get in on the act too - they can kill off their child if "necessary" and then knock off their aging or sick parent (for their own good of course).
    I love humanism - it is so reasonable (and adaptable).
    Life is just so inconvenient sometimes, isn't it?



    PS - what stock were we talking about? Was it GOD?
    I hear He has been delisted............or at least suspended from trading pending an(other) announcement..................
    Back to work - I hope the boss doesn't catch me - oh, I am the boss (phew)
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