BRM 0.00% $2.53 brockman resources limited

The comparison to FMG at the end of the article says it all...

  1. 168 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 153
    The comparison to FMG at the end of the article says it all don't you think!!

    Based on the article even someone with a basic knowledge of maths can do this one....

    FMG = Market Cap $15,000,000,000 - production 40 mil tonnes

    Projections for BRM = 20 mil tonnes is half FMG...

    Therefore a comparison market cap = 7,500,000,000 compared to currently $528,000,000 = 14 times the current price!!

    Not bad over only a few years!!

    And before it starts - yes I know the above is a very simplistic calculation with lots of other factors involved that are not accounted for - but surely this can start to show the market the potential value of BRM even if it never gets there!!



    (Long term holder - first time poster on BRM thread - happy to get in the green - bought at $3 in the spike a few yrs ago before cap raising and dip etc)
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Currently unlisted public company.

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