australian big business behaving disgracefully, page-4

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Boatboy says: "We have no control over what wages are paid or what
    conditions are offered to workers...if the unions hadn't forced our
    industry to shut down years ago maybe we would have some
    control as we would have our own industry..."

    Would you want your sons and daughters to slave
    for low Bangladesh wages in a squalid sweatshop?
    That's the only way lost jobs can be repatriated.
    Capital flows to wherever non-union workers are
    desperate, there's no social security, laws are
    lax on over-crowding, work-place safety and
    pollution. And corruption is widespread.

    To Capital, Bangladesh is Paradise as it replicates
    the Dark Satanic mills and squalor of Manchester
    where Karl Marx wrote the part of 'Das Kapital'
    where he predicted a French-type revolution
    after seeing the seething worker discontent.

    But Marx got it wrong. There was no revolution.
    What Marx did not foresee was the emergence
    of Labour Unions that (bit by bit) got decent
    wages and conditions. Workers had money
    to spend and that created vast industries
    that (to this day) thrive on Consumption.

    When a boss cuts wages, another boss
    goes broke - as lower wages reduce
    worker demand and consumption.
    President Hoover cut Federal pay.
    He turned a US Recession into
    the 1930s Great Depression.

    Tony Abbott wants to slash public servants.
    To keep donations from Big Biz flowing into
    Liberal coffers, Tony Abbott (if elected) will
    disinter Work (No) Choices for workers, but
    call it Labour Market Reform to give donors:
    No Unions. Low Pay. No Fair Work Australia.

    Coming soon to your TV at dinner time:

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