australian connection to bomber?, page-16

  1. 2,420 Posts.
    Yep, give me one example of any Muslim country's industry, what have they ever produced for their populations?, even 1 car, 1 mobile phone, or 1 builder who dosen't use anything but mud.-everything but everything without exception is imported or supplied free from their so called infidel enemy's-
    You know why they point their backsides towards allah 4 times each day?--because none of them have EVER had a job in their f'n sad sack mud hut lives? that's because their so called religious leaders need to control multi millions of unemployed/unemployable zealots to control entire populations who have no other choice but to pray to allah 4 times a day--no job-and no chance of getting one in their lifetimes either.
    Gunfights and gang slaying have now arrived in our country-surprised ?.
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