Australian Labor Party endorsed Lima Agreement 1975

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    Just wondering if the 3 ALP Amigos Albo, Shorten & Plubersek can kindly explain to the Australian worker why the Australian Labor Party supported the Lima Agreement back in 1975 under Whitlam

    The Lima Declaration - destroying Australian manufacturing and sending jobs overseas

    What is The Lima Declaration? And why has Australia has lost 98% of it’s manufacturing?

    Although signed in 1975 by Labor Senator Don Willesee, the Lima Declaration has had far reaching effects, and can clearly be seen as the blueprint for the disastrous policies embracing the bizarre philosophy known as “Globalisation”.

    The Second General Conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) met in Lima, Peru, during the period 12-26 March, 1975. The resulting declaration had disastrous ramifications for Australian industry. The basic reasoning behind the Declaration was that the drastic plight of the Third World was the result of the rapacious policies of the advanced industrial nations. Australia listed as one of these. The only way to rectify the situation was to transfer industrial resources from advanced countries like Australia to the Third World, then to provide markets for Third World exports by buying products once produced locally.

    What Does the Lima Declaration Mean for Australians?

    The Lima Declaration is an agreement to wind down Australian manufacturing by around 30% and to import that amount from other preferred Countries we sign trade agreements with.

    Australian companies have fled overseas to Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and China

    The Declaration also mandates that we import as much primary produce as we can consume; such as fruit, meat etc.

    That was the original intent.

    However, the target has now blown out way beyond 30%. Current estimates are that 90% of our production capacity has gone, and our jobs with it.

    We see this almost daily. Factories and even whole industries are closing down. We have, for example, completely lost our once-vibrant car manufacturing industry, including all the other manufacturing businesses that supplied parts and equipment for the car manufacturers. Tens of thousands of Australians have lost their livelihoods, with no other jobs available to replace them. Yet government statistics are used to hide these results.

    There is no mention in the agreement about what happens to the Australians who lose their jobs, their factories or their farms as a result of these unfair and illegal agreements. We have become expendable.

    As a result, we have become a “service economy”.

    Fully supported by the Unions


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