Australian largest tax increases in history:, page-13

  1. 9,950 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 104
    It is customary to assume that the Coalition are the party of economic reform, but history suggets otherwise.
    The largest and most far-reaching economic reforms were delivered by the Hawke/Keating labor government.

    The Hawke/Keating government delivered historic reforms.
    Off the top of my head:
    * deregulated the economy, ended tariffs and protectionism
    * floated the currency
    * deregulated the financial system
    * Introduced Medicare
    * Invented compulsory super (Keating and Kelty over a pint of beer as legend has it)
    * Overhauled the tax system (including dividend imputation and the introduction of CGT)
    * Overhauled the IR system

    The Coalition government (being the useless #*&%#'s that they are) had sat on their arse for 8 years and had done nothing.
    Hawke/Keating saved Australia just in the nick of time.
    Some credit must go to John Howard (the only decent PM the liberals ever had) for his waterfront reforms.
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