@bacci; the Liberal Party wants taxpayers to face the risks and...

  1. 47,958 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    @bacci; the Liberal Party wants taxpayers to face the risks and wants opportunistic foreign corporations to be enabled to buy up the public assets created by government for peanuts in fire sales the Liberal Party initiates down the track.

    We've seen this Liberal Party practice before with Old King Coal fired power stations. Peter Dutton is now expecting taxpayers to buy back toxic old coal holes currently owned by foreign corporations obligated to repatriate what are massive liabilities.

    Dutton's nuclear plan:
    1. Enables foreign corporations to escape their obligations to repatriate old coal holes - indeed, get paid $Billions for them by taxpayers.
    2. Assumes massive nuclear power stations can be built in ten years - even in the US they take 19 years to deliver and by which time the horse will have bolted and Dutton's plan will be little more than coal dust.
    3. Assumes that nuclear power will be competitive with renewables - its TEN times more expensive and that without taking into account the management of risk / long term, storage of waste etc.
    4. Places all of the risk on taxpayers and delivers no reward to them - as the Liberals have done in the past, they'll flog off any assets to foreign corporations for peanuts. Then they'll allow those foreign corporations to charge like wounded bulls.
    5. Is in reality little more than a highly divisive delaying tactic aimed at creating even more obstructions to the rollout of renewables - benefitting US and Chinese corporations and shareholders while delivering a body blow to Australian businesses otherwise about to benefit from cheaper, cleaner and more reliable renewable power.
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