A standard deception of the socialist propagandist army that the...

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    A standard deception of the socialist propagandist army that the union-bosses massed to dupe and defeat the Australian public and steal an election is to pretend that the corruption and incompetence of the union-boss controlled labor party is common to both major political parties...

    In 2007 the full-spectrum propaganda strategy of the union-bosses, after multiple terms of competent and professional John Howard government, was that the business of government was obviously so easy that it did not matter any more which major party formed government...

    Of course the absolutely disasterous 6 years of the failed, incompetent, wasteful union-boss controlled Rudd/Gillard/Rudd clown circus with some $300b or more of sovereign debt racked up with nothing to show for it, a massive monthly interest bill to pay, a trail of devastation, death and invasion from Rudd's open-borders policy and many other disasters, has shown to all Australians with more than shoe-size IQ that indeed, government is not automatic and requires competence, professionalism and leadership that we saw with John Howard's government and see again with Tony Abbott's government...

    Now again we see the same progression of socialist lies and deception to try to paint all political parties as being equivalent and as bad, incompetent, wasteful, corrupt as each other to try to dupe enough extreme low IQ voters to once again allowing a union-boss controlled labor/green government to plunder, loot and destroy Australia and put our collective futures in extreme jeopardy...
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