Australian population - The biggest loser$ 2018 - 2019, page-91

  1. 14,267 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 496
    Back then there was very little and not taken that seriously stuff about climate as well and the cold war between the US and Russia was the big threat that never became real, remember the song I hope the Russians love their children to by sting.

    Houses were under a 100k back then and there was no internet and therefore the corner store business reigned, it was so boring you would chat with the neighbour about anything. And you went fishing and you were excited because there were fish to catch, now you need permits on permits just to put your boat in the water.

    These days paranoia rules, no one wants to talk for fear of saying or doing something wrong, depression is on a massive increase and resentment levels in society reflects on social levels of drug use and violence and the pressure it puts on an over burdened social system that deals with such consequence.

    You have rogue Nations now developing Nuclear enrichment for weapons that are dedicated to a belief that is like making a deal with the grim reaper who says i am death and I am here for you.

    No wonder the negative vibe bomb is ticking in people like a Geiger counter in Chernobyl. The merry go round of life has turned into the gravitron ride where you are stuck to the wall, it takes great strength if not superhuman to move in any direction. All we can do is wait for the ride to stop and hope it didn't stop because there was no Earth under the ride when the power was pulled. I don't know if that ride runs on an electric or a fuel motor system, but that's something Tesla might consider soon, electric motors for Carnival rides.

    And like the saying love is all you need, is that really true, can electric cars save the world or just the corporate world
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