australians fighting for jihad are like anzacs

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    ABC presenter compares Australians fighting for jihadists in Syria to Anzacs in World War 1

    Is there no sewer that these traitors won't get down into?

    KNIGHT: Can we just stop for a second. Here we have four white Australian males expressing views on Syrians who want to return to fight for what’s right in their homeland.

    JASON MORRISON: Well that might be your romantic view of things but I’ll point out that many of the people you say are heading home, their home is here. They were born here. Bankstown, Liverpool, Westmead hospitals. Yeah sure have passions about what’s going on over there but it’s a very different thing - a very worrying thing for Australia that they choose to fly to the other side of planet, pick up an AK47 and fight with Al-Qaeda in somebody else’s war…

    KNIGHT : ...Somebody else’s war you say? Plenty of Australians historically have fought in other people’s wars. Are you as outraged about say Australian soldiers dying in Britain’s wars? In George Bush’s war?

    MORRISON : are you serious?

    KNIGHT : I am.
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