mitsoss - about respect -tell me more I would like to ask a...

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    mitsoss - about respect -tell me more
    I would like to ask a further question or three, if you could be bothered answering, and that is in regards to the Christian Palestinian Israeli citizens. What percentage of the one million or so Palestinians that are Israeli citizens do they make up.

    I don’t have the numbers at my fingertips, but the Christians have been leaving in droves. They are basically teerorized the the Muslim Palestinians and have taken the best way out for them. They go. Take Beit Jala for example. It is located right near Gilo. Been there many times. It was predominately Christian. Arafats thugs have come in, shot at Giloh, provoking the Israelis into firing back, hoping that the Israelis will hit a church so that they can show the world, “look what Jews do to Christians”. I have Australian friends who have migrated to Isrel and have to do their time in the services. They tell me that the Christians viruallt beg them to clean up the Muslims as not only they provoke the Jews but they rape the Christian Palestinians girls with impunity as they feel that they are a law unto themselves.

    There is a huge dispute going on right now in the north between the Chistian and Muslims. The Muslims are trying to build a mosque on grounds that have belonged to the Christians since day one. The Israelis tried to let them sort it out. They couldn’t so the Israelis did. They told the Muslims…..No permit! Piss off!

    Also, generally speaking, do they consider themselves as Israelis first and Palestinian second or class themselves as Palestinian first and foremost and everything else is way down the list?? and do they serve in the military at all?? Basically I am trying to find out if they live/behave any different to the Muslim Palestinians.

    You ask a good question. When it comes to getting social benefits, medical care, unemployment etc…. boy do they (both the Christian and Muslim Israelis) claim they are Israelis……That stupid they are not. Otherwise, the Christians are quiet as a rule unless they are threatened by Arafats thugs into making unhelpful statements. They know very well what’s in store for them under Muslim rule…..They prefer the Jews anyday. So do the East Jerusalem Arabs. There was a poll recently and whilst they make noises about a Palestinian state, none of them actually want one that is run by the current regime as they, even the Muslim Palestinians living in Israel know that they will become …………………dirt, treated as dirt, by their own. And they will get f**k all in the way of benefits. No jobs no nothing.

    Their standard of living is much higher than the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. They are better educated (Israeli taxpayers) etc etc. They have jobs but if they are seen to be a fifth column then they will be treated as such. Let’s face it, there is a war going on over there. Remember during WW2, Australia, Britain the USA interred those who they felt might be of harm to the national interests. The Israelis have not done that yet to the Israeli Arabs but if they see that it’s getting out of hand, they will be interred… Gaza and the West Bank. Either they are Israeli citizens enjoying the freedoms of citizenship or they are not. The choice is very clear.

    The interesting thing is that the Palestinian arabs living in the West Bank and Gaza want to work within Israel. Over 220,000 were allowed in everyday before the Intifada. Why should they be entitled to come and work in an “enemy” country? They have received billions from the EU and UN. Why don’t they have their own infrastructures since Oslo (1993)? I wouldn’t let any of them in at all, even if there is a peace settlement.

    Some uninformed clod will come out on HC and say, “but the Jews have destroyed their infrastructure.” That’s true, but gradually and AFTER the intifada started in 2000. Their infrastructure was used mainly for weapons etc, and was not used to create jobs, industry etc…… Much was siphoned off by the thugs from Arafat down.

    Hope that answers most of your questions.

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