Australia's greatest contrarian journalist

  1. 8,117 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 246
    Andrew Bolt is Australia's greatest contrarian journalist. Period. In a recent article discussing virus politics he wrote:

    Most people who get sick are from Labor areas.

    Wow! For all the millions of words written about Covid no one to my knowledge has ever made this connection. And like a double punch to the solar plexus he followed with:

    Most politicians pushing for freedom are Liberal leaders.

    Double wow! The searing clarity of Bolt's observations are unparalleled in Australian political commentary. How he has never won a Walkley is beyond comprehension. As a bona fide revolutionary Bolt is eminently qualified for such a progressive award, as a big FU to the Establishment. Consider his closing argument:

    Unless we make this shift - from governments deciding for us, to us deciding for ourselves - we'll never be free of lockdowns and closures, even if 80 per cent of us get vaccinated....That's the debate we're having right now, and freedom must win. But how strident will that debate now be, when Labor knows its supporters are doing most of the dying?

    If Bolt doesn't win a Walkley then I'm a monkey's uncle.

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