"Abbott is at least trying ,his vulnerability in being a...

  1. 8,803 Posts.
    "Abbott is at least trying ,his vulnerability in being a punching bag for the left makes it difficult to get any message across."

    The real reason he is having trouble getting his message across which you and almost every other right of center poster on here is having trouble grasping is that he lied, point blank, flat out, no ifs or buts. Not even core and non core promise weaseling. And this after calling Gillard every name under the sun for her Carbon Tax lie and then promising a Govt of no surprises.

    It was bad politics to make the stupid promises and worse to break them, a fact many of the right leaning media commentators recognize.

    The Libs politics has been extraordinarily poor irrespective of policy. The majority of punters are simply stunned at their duplicity. That is their problem.

    Getting future Govt debt under control is a must as the business oriented Libs know, its in their dna as is reducing/stabilizing input costs to business, particularly labor and red tape costs. How they go about these goals is arguable, while at the same time it is fair to say in my view that for a variety of reasons the modern ALP would/could not tackle these problems.
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