Australia's Nuclear Future, page-101

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    Eminently sensible proposal by Dutto.

    Put nuclear where gas and coal is now, Dutton says

    People living near proposed nuclearpower sites would mostly be receptive to their introduction, Opposition LeaderPeter Dutton claims.

    The coalition has announced plans to add nuclear to Australia's energygrid by building several reactors, should it win the next election.

    While the opposition has come under pressure to reveal their proposal'slocations and costings, reports suggest the nuclear plants could be built inareas that already have coal or gas-fired power stations.

    Speculated sites include the NSW Hunter Valley, Victoria's LatrobeValley, Collie in WA, Port Augusta in SA and parts of Queensland.

    Peter Dutton sayspeople in communities with "high energy IQ" are in favour of nuclearpower. (James Ross/AAP PHOTOS)© Provided by AAP

    People in locations where there are already coal power stations wouldsupport nuclear energy, Mr Dutton said.

    "When you look at the communities where there is a high energy IQ,that is where they've got a coal-fired power station now, people are in favour(of nuclear) because they understand the technology," he told Nine's Todayprogram on Friday.

    "They understand that it's zero emissions, that it is latestgeneration, it's the same technology the government signed up to for thenuclear submarines, so it's safe for our sailors."

    Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has rubbished the proposal, saying thecost of setting up nuclear energy would be significant.

    "The truth is that it doesn't stack up, it would cost an enormousamount, many billions of dollars," he told Brisbane radio 4BC.

    "In addition to that, it will be more than a decade before they canbe built. The estimations are that it'll be six times more expensive thanrenewables."

    A CSIRO report released on Wednesday showed a nuclear power plant wouldcost at least $8.5 billion.

    Mr Dutton said nuclear would allow other forms of energy, such asbatteries and renewables, to be a greater part of the mix.

    "I want to believe that the battery power can provide the baseline,it just can't can't. The technology is not that advanced, wind and solar, as weknow is intermittent, so you need to firm it up," he said.

    Related video
    : A break downof what the nuclear energy in Australia means (Dailymotion)

    "We've got to get serious about a new energy system as we decarboniseand modernise and nuclear is a key part of that."

    Government Services Minister Bill Shorten said the debate on nuclear wasthe wrong one in terms of the energy transition.

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