australia's very own subprime crisis looming, page-123

  1. 3,404 Posts.
    Your jealousy is shining through sector-just because scotty has made it and you are still a dreamer dont hate on him-try to learn from him...his comments are spot on

    "The forever bulls are all in a lather because I set myself up for life by 30 through investing in property and having a win. In fact, the spite all comes because I did what they are all still trying to convince themselves will happen again. Priceless.

    Its starting to sound a lot like you have tried to do what I did a decade after I did it and its left you high and dry. Just because you may have missed the boat, don't take that out on me. You got in too late.

    Forged / Sector - Don't hate the player, hate the game.

    The smart money isn't still holding residential property and hasn't for a long time."

    ^^This comment should be a sticky-very very true. Its like a lot of the bulls have turned up aftyer the party and have to hang on to the dream that they havent missed out. People like me and scoty have made the money in the easy times and now recognise the market for what it is-high risk and over inflated. But why you have to make it personal is beyond me...must be jealousy..
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