Autistic boy bashed by the usual suspects, page-2

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    and an ex PC PC (ie political correct police commissioner) named christine nixon had the nerve to tell australians that sudanese were actually under represented in the crime statistics.  the following figures from bolts blog

    Sudanese make up just 0.11 per cent of Victoria's population but 4.8 per cent of aggravated burglary offenders.

    That makes them 44 times more likely to break the law.

    Then there are these statistics: Sudanese youths were vastly over-represented in the 2015 data, responsible for 7.44 per cent of home invasions, 5.65 per cent of car thefts and 13.9 per cent of aggravated robberies, despite Sudanese-born citizens making up about 0.11 per cent of Victoria's population.

    it seems that amanda vanstone (an ex immigration minister) gave the go ahead to import people from sudan, because of the conflict there.  another pollie, kevin andrews was ridiculed for wanting to curtail the import of refugees from that part of the world.

    anyway, the lefties have got their way, and victoria is obviously enriched by a very vibrant multicultural society.

    the victorian head honcho (that is the andrews bloke) has said that we have to accept that terrorism will simply become a contemporary part of our lives, and we will obviously have to live with it ... one assumes that andrews will comfort victorians and tell them that violence from sudanese youths, will simply become a contemporary part of life - so just suck it up
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